
March 3rd, 2007 by Rory

Welcome to my portfolio gallery! Click on the thumbnails to either visit the associated website or view the image at full resolution. If you have a question about any particular graphic, please let me know!

Enemy Lines attack screen

Enemy Lines attack screen

Main gameplay HUD from Enemy Lines

Main gameplay HUD from Enemy Lines

Battle results screen from Enemy Lines

Battle results screen from Enemy Lines

This is the scene selection window from Gardens of Time. I worked specifically on finding a balance between ease-of-use and displaying useful information on each page. This required dozens of wireframe iterations and SWF mockups to get a good feel for how the feature would work.

This screenshot shows some of my work on Wild Ones. I designed the layout for this screen while adhering to the graphic style set by the UI Artist.

Playdom destination website design mockup

Mockup of the login page for Outworld. Click on the image to see a working prototype (no login credentials are needed).

Hero screen from Verdonia

Main City Screen from Verdonia

Chicagoworld developer blog

Chicagoworld developer blog

Used in the interrogation minigame in Chicagoworld (Flash)

Character customization page

Original interrogation UI for Chicagoworld

MILO Game Interface

MILO Game Interface

Entropic Space GUI (Flash game)