
October 20th, 2005 by Rory

I watched Oliver Stone’s “Salvador” last night. Great movie, though I missed some of the beginning because I had to have my tongue ripped out of my throat after the grand mal seizure I had during the opening sequence. Seriously, if you thought Pokémon was going to give you problems, watch the opening credits to Salvador. It’s like a strobe light with taiko drums over and over and it lasts for at least five minutes, or at least that’s how much time had elapsed after I picked myself up off the floor. I think Stone was trying to say something with this sequence… something like, “WATCH MY MOVIE OR YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH!!!!!” I’m just guessing that was the idea.

When James Belushi came on the screen I intially thought, “Oh great, there went this movie,” but he was actually pretty decent in his role. It’s a shame that the rest of his career hasn’t been as cool. James Woods was awesome and played his usual dickhead role perfectly.

Easily one of the most graphic movies I’ve ever seen. Don’t eat before, during, or after seeing this. Hell, fast for the whole day because you’re going to throw up at least once within the first 15 minutes either from the inevitable seizure or from the rotting, bloated corpses.

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