Welcome to the Gamer Posse

November 28th, 2005 by Rory

Hutton Honors College Bulletin (PDF)

Check out page 7 for some Kelthas coverage. The main photo on this page is the last known photo of my mohawk. According to the caption at the bottom right I am a part of Steve‘s “gamer posse.” I like that. You might ask, “Rory, why do you have such a scowl on your face in the photo?” Well, I brought a copy of my map to the photo shoot because the photography people thought we’d use it in a few pictures. You might be able to gather from the lighting in the photo that it was not a very good day — the weather was a bit like it is today, actually. Kinda rainy. What I learned that day is that the slightest bit of rain mixed with Indiana’s horrible humidity is a disaster for plotter prints. The instant I unrolled the map the ink began to drip right off the poster. So that’s why there’s an unhappy face… well, that and the fact that we were standing in the rain. Luckily the ruined map was only one of three copies I had made and it is not the final version of the map. The final version has some minor modifications in order to make it work better with the game. I’ve got a bit left to do on that map. Back to work.

I was just thinking how the photo looks like the album cover of some cheesy fantasy metal band, like “Lord Tsabo’s Kelthinators” or something.

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