MILO: Waking Up!

March 19th, 2008 by Rory


Studio Cypher and I have just released our latest game: M.I.L.O.: Waking Up!

The game was entered in the latest Jay is Games competition where the theme this time around is “Upgrades”. If you are interested in the game, you can either visit the link above or you can also play the game at its official site — The high scores lists are shared between both sites.

Thanks, and enjoy!


February 23rd, 2008 by Rory

While I sit and wait for my delayed flight in SFO, I figured I’d take the time to post some updates.

I had a great week at GDC and met a lot of really nice people. Rather than take the ‘blanket’ approach and throw resumes/cards everywhere, I focused on a dozen or so meaningful interactions with various companies. The results paid off very well. I spoke with a few Multiverse developers and I was quite impressed with some of the new projects that were on display. Seeing these games in person really showed me that there has been some significant developments with the engine as well as some interesting ideas on how to use it.

My friends and I demonstrated Stanley Frost: Demon Fire Hunter to a handful of people and most of them were very impressed by our work. This is not to say that the game is anywhere near completion — it’s fairly basic right now in terms of levels/environments and mobs, but we received some good feedback and have a good idea of where we need to improve things. I will probably post some more stuff later.

Stanley Frost Renders

February 19th, 2008 by Rory

House Sketch   House Render 1   Demonic House 2

This is the latest asset I have been designing for Stanley Frost. I just wanted to post the model along with the sketch to show some of my process. I should have some videos and/or screenshots from the game available soon.

Book Renders

December 7th, 2007 by Rory

Tome Render 1   Tome Render 2   Tome Render 3

The above images are renders of a book I made for a 3D class. I stumbled across these files the other day and realized I hadn’t posted them on my site yet… so here they are!

Entropic Space is up for an Audience Award!

October 17th, 2007 by Rory

The Flash-based planet destruction game I posted a week or so ago is now a finalist in the Jay is Games Audience Award category! If you haven’t had a chance to check out the contest, go to this page for more information. Entropic Space (full title: The Astonishing Astrocrash: Last of the Planetkillers in Entropic Space) is the last game on the list. Voting for the audience award on Jay is Games involves making a PayPal donation to the entry (or entries) of your choice. It’s kind of a weird process, but it seems to be an effective way of keeping the voting under control. If you have the time, I recommend trying out a handful of the games on the list. There are some really stellar entries in this competition.

The Astonishing Astrocrash: Last of the Planetkillers in Entropic Space

October 4th, 2007 by Rory

Entropic Space

I worked on this game with some friends for the Jay is Games flash game design competition #4. The theme for this round was ball physics. Try it out and see if you can beat my ridiculously low score.

Raph Koster shows Metaplace

September 20th, 2007 by Rory

(youtube video link)

Cool!! I cannot wait to mess around with this stuff.

Dungeons & Day Traders – Now Available on PS3, Wii, and PSP

September 10th, 2007 by Rory

Okay, the headline is technically true provided you surf the net on those devices. Anyway, our game is finished and you can PLAY it by going here:

If you like the game, please vote for us!

UPDATE: The game is currently down because the contest is over, but look for an updated version of D&DT very soon!

Dungeons & Day Traders

September 9th, 2007 by Rory

Dungeons & Day Traders is a fantasy-based stock investment trading game that I helped create this weekend for the Rails Rumble web development contest. The contest lasts/lasted 48 hours from Friday to Sunday night and is almost finished. We’re just about finished except for a few bugs here and there. More details on the project as they become available!

Macbeth – Screenshots

September 7th, 2007 by Rory

Two early screenshots from the Macbeth raid/quest/dungeon that I’ve been working on for Arden. The first shot is from within the castle walls atop Dunsinane Hill and the second is from the foot of Dunsinane itself.

Arde - Macbeth’s Castle    Arden - Dunsinane Hill

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