I’ve seen a lot of these types of lists recently, so I decided to write my own based on my own experiences.
1. Opening portals into the unknown is a very, very bad idea. If I’m standing around some lab and a scientist proposes this idea, I’m heading for the next ship off planet. This has been the premise of many games over the years and is getting quite old. Why does the portal always have to contain demons? What is it that draws these demons into going through portals? Oh yeah, I forgot, dumbass scientists. What if the portal opened and the Care Bears emerged? The “pandora’s box” theme definitely provides a catalyst for the story, but why not make a prequel that involves stopping these retarded scientists from making the portal in the first place? As you can see, I have a lot of questions. Questions that need answering.
2. Laser guns are the future. Every sci-fi game has to have a laser gun. Sure, they are sometimes renamed the “pulse rifle” or “energy gun,” but it’s all the same crap. In the late 90s it was an excuse to use colored lighting. Now I’m not sure what it is, but lasers seem kind of lame compared to, say, a portable grapeshot catapult mounted on the gunman’s shoulders. Now that is a weapon I have not seen.
3. Training super-soldiers by injecting them with crazy horomones, enhancing their genes, and exposing them to violent media will never work and in the end they will probably turn on you and kill you. It will be a massacre. You might even end up with a zombie infestation so don’t even think about roid-raging one more squad of death marines. I’m just gonna stop because you really don’t wanna go there. Keep ’em clean.
4. Forget about all the hipster wi-fi stuff we have now, ’cause in the future everything will have at least a dozen or so wires protruding from it in all directions. Even non-electrical devices like hammers and frying pans will not escape the wires’ wrath. Fear not, for you will never have to worry about tripping over the 3″ diameter cables that run all over the floor… unless game designers have that in mind for the next generation of games.
5. If you start the game in a deserted town, get ready for zombies. You will luckily find a gun (maybe a laser gun?) and some ammo nearby. I suggest you arm yourself to the teeth and find the richest house in town because the yuppy-ass living there probably knocked some container of zombination fluid off his yuppy-ass desk and is responsible for the whole thing. Never did see a street bum ’cause a zombie revolution and I don’t think I ever will.
6. Dying means you will explode into a pile of unrecognizable goop. It’s not pretty, but it saves on game performance. It’s for the good of nerd-dom, so do your part. Imagine the whole world slowing down just because you wanted your frag-ridden, carcass of polygonal waste to last on screen *just* until the end of the level? Nice try, but it isn’t going to happen. You’ll be gone within the next respawn, ass.
7. Just as we have crates all over the place today, there will be crates all over the place in the future… but they will be FUTURISTIC crates made of metal. Sometimes they are painted. I’d be one to trust these new, metal crates in favor of the balsa wood shit they gave us back in WWII or ‘Nam. When I wasn’t living inside one of those damn things during my time at the VC camp, I found that they offer little or no protection against gunfire. And stones. And aliens.
8. Computers are evil. Plain and simple. If some female voice comes on the intercom and tells you that everything is fine, she’s lying… if computers can do that… but anyway, she’s lying and she totally just turned off the AC on your sorry human ass. She also probably opened up some sort of inter-dimensional portal into the great maw of hell, but that’s besides the point, it’s fucking hot as shit in here. How ya gonna fight aliens/demon/zombies when it’s this hot?
9. As I sorta mentioned before, do not trust scientists. Scientists in sci-fi games are totally evil people and are bent on causing problems, not curing disease or creating edible airline food. Behind those Buick-fender glasses lies an asshole who left the engine running in the bad idea train.
10. Last but not least we have the aliens. I don’t care what game you are playing, aliens are evil. Humans on planet Earth have been conditioned through movies, comic books, novels, and videogames to believe that any and all off-world visitors to our planet are always up to no good. It’s like watching COPS but with the Zergs and the Druuge instead of blacks and hispanics. Every Wal-Mart trained teenager in this country who picked up a copy of Halo 2 and a BB gun in a bit of one-stop, roll-back shopping is going to bust some serious extra-terrestrial ass whenever the aliens decide to land. Let this be a warning to all you aliens who are hovering around our planet and mooching our wi-fi internet. You’re all doomed.